Relational Therapy
Couple Therapy
My approach to marriage counseling and couple therapy is integrative. I focus on patterns or sequences in your relationship, utilizing techniques from a variety of approaches to modify or change these patterns. I have specifically had extensive training in emotionally focused therapy (EFT), as well as other approaches.
Whatever therapist you choose or model they work from, research shows a few things very clearly: the relationship with the therapist matters the most, and you can generally know within the first 3 or 4 sessions if the therapy is going to go well. If you don't have a sense of traction within these first few sessions, like the therapist knows what they are doing, and you feel some hope or confidence that you might be able to get somewhere, you are not likely to get this traction later in therapy. In that case, you could bring up this concern with your therapist (including me!) around session 3, and either find a new therapist, or they need to change how they are working with you.
I am a registered facilitator of the Circle of Security Parenting Training© parent education program for parents, in group settings (online: maximum 3 participants). The program consists of around 8 weekly 2-hour sessions (some flexibility is possible). The program can also be conducted on an individual therapy basis over a longer period of time (e.g. 6 months or longer).
Family Therapy
During my graduate training, I had 2 years of experience conducting functional family therapy (FFT) with adolescents and their families, supervised by one of the developers, Thomas Sexton, PhD, ABPP. Following grad school, I worked for The Family Institute at Northwestern University, where I continued training in family therapy and gained experience with young adults in family therapy. I now work with families with older adolescents or young adults, or families consisting of all adults.
- Initial, 75 minutes: $350
- Subsequent, 45 minutes: $230
- Subsequent, 70 minutes: $280
- Subsequent, 90 minutes: $330
- Co-therapy (family therapy with 2 therapists), 45 minutes: $350
- Circle of Security Parenting Class (Zoom-based), 8 weeks, 90–110 minutes/week: $450 total